Following are some testimonials from our happy clients who have used our system to help achieve good governance for their charity or not for profit organisiation.
"The last time ACEVO reviewed its board performance against the Charity Governance Code, it took 2 trustees and 2 of the Senior Management Team (SMT)- three 2 hour sessions.
Digi-board allows all trustees and the SMT to take part in 45 minutes. This saves us loads of time and means everyone is included and buys into the review.
It goes beyond the Charity Governance Code, and we can benchmark our results against more than 70 other charities.
The results provide data which we will mine to keep improving our governance.
Digi-board helped us bring our exec and non-exec team members together in our ambition to champion and model good governance as an enabling force for greater impact.”

"Digiboard has made us think in greater depth about our governance practices, structure, strengths and weaknesses.
Undertaking the review has helped us identify governance improvements that will undoubtedly make us stronger in the future.”

Finance and Governance Manager
"The Digi-Board tool and resulting report have proved an extremely effective way to review our governance practice and identify areas of current strength, as well as those we can improve further.”

Chief Executive
Lewis-Manning Hospice
"The biggest on-going benefits will be an ability to use Digi-Board as part of a ‘plan-do-check-act’ approach to continuous improvement across the organisation.”

Age UK
"It gave us confidence to make changes in manageable chunks and offered momentum."

Chichester Cinema
"It is more than just a questionnaire it made me think you have to get the governance mindset right."

Habitat for Humanity
"Digiboard provided us with the tools to enable us to quickly and efficiently review our governance processes and gain valuable feedback to help us understand where we need to focus on going forward."

1st Hersham Scouts Group
"Good governance is the diligent pursuit to do the right things today while creating a legacy for your successors."

Commonweal Housing
"With Digi-Board we can benchmark against our peer community to better understand where we are."

Lancashire Age UK
Get your Governance Review started today!